full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Andrew Stanton: The clues to a great story

Unscramble the Blue Letters

AS: So how do you make a selfish character lkablie? We raeziled, you can make him kind, generous, funny, cdtesoiarne, as long as one ctdoionin is met for him, is that he stays the top toy. And that's what it really is, is that we all live life conditionally. We're all willing to play by the rules and flolow things along, as long as certain conditions are met. After that, all bets are off. And before I'd even decided to make storytelling my career, I can now see key things that happened in my youth that really sort of opened my eyes to certain things about story.

Open Cloze

AS: So how do you make a selfish character _______? We ________, you can make him kind, generous, funny, ___________, as long as one _________ is met for him, is that he stays the top toy. And that's what it really is, is that we all live life conditionally. We're all willing to play by the rules and ______ things along, as long as certain conditions are met. After that, all bets are off. And before I'd even decided to make storytelling my career, I can now see key things that happened in my youth that really sort of opened my eyes to certain things about story.


  1. follow
  2. realized
  3. condition
  4. likable
  5. considerate

Original Text

AS: So how do you make a selfish character likable? We realized, you can make him kind, generous, funny, considerate, as long as one condition is met for him, is that he stays the top toy. And that's what it really is, is that we all live life conditionally. We're all willing to play by the rules and follow things along, as long as certain conditions are met. After that, all bets are off. And before I'd even decided to make storytelling my career, I can now see key things that happened in my youth that really sort of opened my eyes to certain things about story.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
bare hands 3
stone wall 3
edgar rice 3
rice burroughs 3
ultimately led 2
story lesson 2
love story 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
edgar rice burroughs 3

Important Words

  1. bets
  2. career
  3. character
  4. condition
  5. conditionally
  6. conditions
  7. considerate
  8. decided
  9. eyes
  10. follow
  11. funny
  12. generous
  13. happened
  14. key
  15. kind
  16. life
  17. likable
  18. live
  19. long
  20. met
  21. opened
  22. play
  23. realized
  24. rules
  25. selfish
  26. sort
  27. stays
  28. story
  29. storytelling
  30. top
  31. toy
  32. youth